Tuesday, January 4, 2011

You Would Tell Me if it Clashed, Right?

Here's Sparky, trying out the pocket on my spinning wheel bag.  (Who says cats aren't social creatures?) Yup, it doesn't match.  But I couldn't resist the orange-y midcentury pattern.  And there will not be another bag like this in the whole, entire world!  I'm going to use the same fabric for straps on the other side, so the whole thing will be sullied with "clash." Oh, the thrills.

Yesterday was a good day. A very good day.  My boss notified me that I'll be getting a raise in this week's paycheck, which is nice after two years of frozen pay, and very nice to help me worry less about paying multiple mortgages.  (I think I'll take 25% of that raise and get that membership to the YMCA that I was hesitating on for not wanting to spend money.) Then later, I got a call from the fire department on how my application is progressing.  Good conversation.  The department has a new chief since last month, and the guy explained why they have a poor reputation, what's changed (ie who got kicked out) and what they're doing to change their rep.  He also said that they've had girls before (local college students from Rennselaer Polytechnic), and suggested that I go down right away and meet the new chief.  Which I did.  I've got a MUCH better feeling about that place! 

Very good start to the year.  I said this last year, but I have a feeling this year is going to be a good one!


  1. I LOVE your two fabrics together. No clash at all, good combination. But then orange is my favorite color. I told that fact to another gal years ago and she deadpanned, "Yeah, orange used to be my favorite color, too. But I got over it."

    Good news re the fire department. Out with the old (bad), in with the new (good).

  2. What a great combination! And Sparky matches your bag!!! Good luck on the new fire station. They will be lucky to get you.

  3. Our local Fire Depts are mostly male, but hey, you've done the training, you can save my house any day!! Glad that is smoothing out a bit.
    And the bag is just for you, so enjoy it! I have a large purple suitcase from when we went overseas, so I could find it in a crowd...not a problem! The joy of making your own is making it your own...
    Happy Spinning
