Thursday, November 19, 2009

Frost on the Fields

Driving down the mountain on my way to work this morning I noticed that there is more frost, it seems, the lower I go.  Why is that?  I thought the top of the mountain would be colder.  What am I missing?


  1. Warm air rises and cold air settles. That's why heat piles up near the ceiling of a room and the closer you get to the floor, the cooler it gets. (If I'm so danged smart, why did I flunk that college physics class??)

  2. Didn't want better grades than the cute boy in front of you!?!?
    They put the wrong questions on the test!!
    Who really cares about Physics anyway..

  3. I understand the 'heat rises' part, until I have snow on the mountain and there's none down in the city. Maybe the heat gets tired of rising and decides to stay down in the city? (I didn't do so well in physics, but I really should know this as a Chemical Engineer! Shh - don't tell anyone I'm clueless...)

  4. Yup, it's one of those "pockets / basins of cold air" things. And why I get all those nice pictures of the river valley covered in frost! ;)

  5. I think it's cool you stopped and took a picture!
