I have not been able to take a picture, either at home or in the office, that adequately captures the green color of this yarn. I made another 28 yards last night because now I think I want to make the below neckwarmer instead of the one I showed yesterday. (Pattern from here:
http://www.yarnballboogie.com/?p=139 , picture taken from here:
http://www.ravelry.com/projects/soulbabe/envy) No matter how many pictures I take, my yarn won't be this bright!

This Merino yarn is SOOO soft! I used to think I liked Border Leicester, but this Merino seems much softer, and I'm all about soft. Especially around my neck. It's not very lustrous though, which I'm OK with. I get that there will be no fiber that's perfect for everything.
went to a sale Halloween of my former FL neighborhood yarn shop lady. I'm making myself do a couple of sewing projects I want to Christmas gifts before I get into that yarn...I keep moving it, so I'm not looking at it. I'm really dying to try a simple scarf from 2 colors of alpaca..so soft...