Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why I Don't Have Mice Anymore

These murderous beasts have systematically slayed every single rodent in the house, and many outside, too. And I've only had them since the beginning of August!  I meant to call them Pancho and Lefty (anyone know the reference?), but since I got them in response to the mouse problems I had with the truck, resulting in the truck starting itself in the middle of the night prior to spending 2 months at the repair shop - I'm calling the left cat Sparky.  Pancho on the right and Sparky on the left.

I've been being a hermit here at the homestead since Wednesday, and these days at home have been a godsend.  Last week I wrote that I was going to relax, but anyone that knows me knows I am constitutionally incapable of relaxing (oh how I wish that were different!).  Instead, I got many things done that were lower on the list.  I set up a wireless network in the house, sortof.  All the computers can print wirelessly to the printer, but the computers can't see each other.  I'd like for them to see each other so that I can move pictures all to one central location.  Maybe I'll get to that this weekend, or maybe it will happen next time I "relax."  I put a few hooks in the basement so I can hang clothes coming out of the dryer.  I finished constructing the raised beds.  I cooked a full Thanksgiving dinner.  I washed many loads of laundry. I took a savage axe to all the stacks of disorganized paper, shredded a years worth of things, and filed the things I want to keep a while longer. Yay for finally being better organized, paper-wise!  My house was built before closets were desirable, I guess, and there aren't any closets on the first floor, except a broom closet in the bathroom.  It's taken me a long time to make places for everything with shelves and boxes, so that it looks relatively OK and everything has a place.  (Of course, different people have different definitions of OK....)

And ... I mostly finished the neckwarmer!  All that's left is to put the buttons on, and I went to my button stash to find some good candidates.  I can't believe I successfully made buttonholes!  This knitting thing is pretty neat.  I may be hooked.
Today's plan is either a guest here at the homestead, or a visit to the planetarium in Schenectady, depending on the weather.  The precipitation has stopped, but I have about 3 inches of wet snow on the ground, slowly slumping into mush.  I'm leaning towards going to the planetarium, and my companion would probably prefer that, too.  He's not a fan of the rustic nature of the homestead, and besides, the road isn't plowed.


  1. *ears perk up* Eh?! A guest?! Keep your fan club updated...

    The neckwarmer looks great - I need to start accumulating a button stash.

  2. Long drive, so something in there must be worth it!

    Speaking, of course, as someone in Albany who goes to Schenectady when I have to.... and just never went that "far" (or that direction) for the fun stuff. (North to the Adirondacks and east to Vermont.)

    Enjoy -- and tell about it later!

  3. Pancho & Lefty - does Willie sing about them??
    I am trying to replace a 3 way light switch and was all excited with success and then went in the bedroom to check it out before I slid the furniture back around and it doesn't I say to Albert ..."ALBERT!!" and he runs in...I thought you said the light came on..yeah, he says- the closet light. That wasn't the light switch we replaced. back to the drawing board...!!
    Very snazzy neck warmer! I have some sewing to finish before I can get my yarn out and I'm thinking I'll make aprons for the women in my family for Christmas gifts and it is time to get in gear for that. Guess I'd better get off of here then.
    I also have a box of summer clothes up hanging out of my closet that needs brought down stairs for storage and some more that needs swapped around. The lack of cold and snow has sort of delayed that urgency...time to get it done... Thanks for motivation to attend to tasks at hand.

  4. Yes - it's Willie! But first it was Townes Van Zandt, then covered by many.

    Yeah - a button stash is a good thing to have. I've been growing this one for maybe 20 years and it's still small compared to the one my mother had. All I've done really, is save the extra buttons that come with things.

    Karen Sue - aprons are a great gift! I have one that I use all the time. Good ones are hard to find.

    Kate - amazing how far we'll drive for "fun stuff," huh?

    All - I'll post separately on the Schenectady man. Actually, it's Niskayuna, but it's still an hour's drive. Schenectady is turning out to be not bad at all. I'm not leaving here, but there do have some neat stuff!

  5. I'm just agog (such a good word!) that you taught yourself how to knit . . . and to knit something so detailed, with cabling!!
