Thursday, January 14, 2010


Facebook peeps are doing this wayback thing that got me looking through some old pictures.  I'm going to take a short break from being miss "accomplish something every minute" and show you this picture of me, my mother and her mother at Chatauqua in 1969.  I was -11. (Which is what I'd have to be in order to be 29. Which is what I am - that's right, uh huh.) One thing I am pleased to have gotten from my mother.  Her high cheekbones.

I jest.  About the age, not the cheekbones.  I, like many people, am getting happier as I get older.  28 was SO much worse than 29 is....


  1. My grandmother's best friend lived in Chatauqua! I've only been there once, but I had a great time - Free folk music at the amphitheater!

  2. Hey! I live less than half an hour away, worked summers cleaning a couple of houses there in my college years, and we have a membership at Chautauqua's golf course, across the road. It is so funny that you 2 are familiar with it. For us, we're too close and we don't take as much advantage of the programming as we would if we drove 4 hours to go! Do you know how that is?
    And I love that collar on your dress. It is a wonderful age..everything looks good on you!!

  3. I don't really remember it. Unfortunately, my family moved to Mass. shortly after this picture, so I don't think I've ever been back! I've heard good things though!
