Friday, December 25, 2009

The Littlest Gingerbread House

This reminds me of my house.  All crooked and ugly and surrounded with snow.  It's like the little crooked tree in the Charlie Brown television show that I remember from childhood.  The tree is crooked and ugly and nobody wants it until Charlie Brown comes along to give it a home and love it.

It's been a nice family Christmas filled with fiber, both spun and un-spun.  I brought two neckwarmers that I knit (the first one you've seen and a repeat), hoping to give them away.  My sister has been knitting for years, her house is filled with expertly knit items and her family is to-the-gills with knitting.  They were unimpressed and I will return with the same two I came out with.  It was like giving ice to eskimos.  The mark of a good salesman is to be able to sell ice to eskimos.  Me, I couldn't even give ice to eskimos.

Hope Christmas finds you and yours happy and well!

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad about your knit returns...I did some gifting that I don't know was appreciated - "oh, an apron. how nice.." (notice no capital letters here!) instead of "THIS IS SO COOL! YOU MADE IT JUST FOR ME...ALL BY YOURSELF!! THAT"S AWESOME!!" OK, so perhaps I set myself up for a little disappointment. And I didn't take any pictures, and I didn't take pictures of the 3 flannel quilts I gifted either, but maybe they would send my pictures of them, with their quilts and I could post them. That would be even better. They all sent me messages that they LOVE..LOVE...LOVE the quilts. and although I don't do it for a pat on the back, it's nice to know they understand that I made it with love, just for them.. I will get my mom to wear her apron and like it...even if it isn't until we freeze & can again and I convince her it will keep her so clean and happy! Did I tell you about the year I made fleece tied blankets for the MIL & FIL and I've only seen my FIL use his on his truck seat for his dog to sit on, Never have seen the MIL's..perhaps I should be glad one is getting used!! the whole handmade gift idea there!!
