I'll go through my logic and let's see where it goes. First, these are alternate, simple leaves. The leaves are finely serrated, shiny on the top and bottom. Yesterday I said it was evergreen, but when I went outside today to steal this branch, it was looking decidedly less healthy than yesterday. Since November was so warm, it may just have not lost it's leaves yet. I took some pictures a few weeks ago of other plants in my yard that got confused about winter vs. spring. It's got one bundle scar, I think. (It was impossible to see this with my naked eyes, and I've got 20/20 vision!)
The entire thing is about 4 feet tall. And the bark looks like this, flaky:
Another possibility is swamp doghobble (Eubotrys racemosa), but these flowers are terminal and the doghobble aren't.
I'm stuck. Linda?
Edit, 10 minutes later: I think I've got it! Now I think it's a Lily-Of-the-Valley Shrub, Pieris Japonica. Here's a picture from M.S. Growers.com. Peterson's was no help at all since this is a shrub that most purchase at nurseries. Time to get back to my regularly scheduled day!
My first thought was that it was an ornamental, but after looking a little bit online, I didn't come up with anything. Glad you have it narrowed down, at least! Funky about the fall flowering, though.