Saturday, June 5, 2010

All Four Corners!

For over a year and a half, I've asked everyone with plans to be at my place for more than a few hours if they would be interested in coming with me to find the corners of my property.  It was an endless stream of, "not so much," until my friend Linda, visiting from Colorado said, "Sure!"

It's not a stretch for us - we were Boy Scouts together a few years ago!  When we were high school students, in High Adventure Explorer Post 1, we camped at least once a month, year-round.  Summers brought a two-week trip somewhere woody.  Hiking, canoeing, we did it all!

After we stayed up waay past bedtime last night drinking wine and catching up, we booted up this morning and took the GPS out for a test run.
Here's Linda at the north east corner.
Here's the view from the south east corner
And here's the south west corner of the property.  Rocks all around.

I'm really glad Linda decided to make the trip from Ithaca to visit, and I'm really glad we got a chance to do some real outdoorsy stuff!


  1. Call me crazy...but doesn't that add up to THREE corners? Is there a pic missing, or did you purchase a triangle?

    Glad you are having a good weekend...

  2. I confess. *I* saw all four corners, but *you're* only going to see three because I forgot to take a picture of the first one. Boo on me.

  3. It was great to play in the woods!! I borrowed the picture of me to put on my blog - thanks. And thanks for the hospitality - you have a little slice of heaven there.

  4. So glad you two got together and had a good time. We had great weather here Saturday and hoping your weather was good...good enough for exploring
