Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sparky and the Apple Basket

What circuit is hardwired in a cat that makes them look at a new thing and think, "This will be a good place to sleep."


  1. That picture is magical: The colors of the cat, the basket. The lines in Sparky's coat, the lines of the basket. You captured something special there! (I guess Sparky found something pretty cool, too.)

  2. What a wonderful picture! My cat, Tippet, is one of those cats that views everything as a potential bed. Sparky is such a lovely cat.

  3. great picture...it makes me miss having a cat, but not the box!! Mine would always climb in bags, so you'd just drop them all over the floor after shopping and it was like a kitty playground!

  4. I had to come back today to look at the picture again - he looks so comfy!

  5. That basket is perfectly cat-shaped! I do think I'll print this pic out and put it on the wall in my office to remind me how good a life cats have!
