Wednesday, September 30, 2009

End of September

It's the last day of September and I can feel the changes in the air. It's darker every morning, and when it rises, the sun marches southward on the horizon. I think about starting a fire in the woodstove and contemplate the changes this winter will bring. Here's a shot looking north over the old barn foundation and comfrey showing the beginning of the fall fireworks here on the mountain.


  1. I love this time of the year! Most of the prep work for winter is done or winding down. Time to go over things. Do I have enough food to last a few days? Do I have enough wood for the stove in a convient and dry place? Do I need a better pair of boots or mits? Do I have my lamps and lanterns ready? Bring it on!!

  2. Cindy - I love your list! Is it OK if I post it on the blog? I never thought of it that way, but these are great things to have ready about this time! - Jordan

  3. Jordan, go ahead, be my guest.
