Saturday, April 17, 2010

Doors Opening, Doors Closing

The door opening:
My local fire department has a monthly pizza dinner fundraiser that I am happy to participate in by buying a yummy pizza.  Today there was a sign in front of the building, "Members Needed."  I've been considering volunteering with them ever since I moved here, and that sign was enough to push me over the edge. Here's the application.  I don't know what form this volunteering will take, but I'm opening the door to find out.

The door closing:

I didn't completely close the door to Mr Third Date, but it will probably close fairly soon.  Oh well - it had it's moment or two.  He's an interesting fella.

It was a rainy, hail-y, snowy day, so I was surprised by this sunset and glad that the camera was nearby.  I am endlessly thankful to have the opportunity to be aware of the sunrises and the sunsets here.


  1. Dammit, man! Or men. In general. The one I was talking about emailed me his phone number and we had a very short conversation, but are meeting for coffee on Monday. I feel a whole lotta nothing; like I've forced this thing and it's not going to go anywhere.

    But we'll keep our eyes and ears open in one form or another, OK?

    Good on 'ya for pursuing the VFD - maybe one of those nice strong menz will fill the bill ;-)

  2. We loves our VFD, yes we does. If it wasn't for the volunteers most of the country would be without fire departments.

    Did I mention I'm a contractor with the US Fire Administration? Um, yeah.
