Saturday, March 27, 2010

Food Revolution

I don't watch television much.  A few days a week, I'll watch the local news to get the weather scoop.  I watch NCIS on Tuesday evenings and the analysis of Mark Shields and David Brooks on PBS on Friday evenings, and that's it.  I really can't stand how loud the commercials are compared to the actual show, and find myself turning the sound down, down, down.  Many nights a week, the TV never gets turned on.  It's pretty cool how much more gets done in the evenings when the TV isn't on.  Last night however, was a TV on night.  I saw an advertisement for a show I just HAD to watch on ABC - Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.

From the Time Magazine article on the show:
In Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, Oliver — who did a similar show in the U.K. — goes to Huntington, W.Va. (pop. 49,000), where, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly half the adults are obese. He finds a town hooked on processed food, a school cafeteria serving pizza for breakfast and kids who can't identify a tomato on sight. His goals: get the kids to eat right young, and set up a community kitchen to teach healthy cooking from scratch.


  1. My TV is only hooked up so Z can watch videos from the library, so I didn't see it. I agree on the mixed feelings. He will, almost without a doubt, educate people (HALF are obese? Wow!) about making better choices. Whether that leads to better choices, who can tell.

    Hey, I booked my flight reservation, so look for me to be coming out for a visit the evening of the June 4th, and then scooting back to Ithaca on the afternoon of the 5th. I'll of course touch base about it with you as it gets closer. Yea! It will be weird to be gone for 10 days, but the dog, kid and plants will survive without me.

  2. What's the topic of the conference? I'm looking forward to your visit!! Did I send you my addy via FB, or did I just think about it?

  3. Nope, no address yet. Could you send your phone as well? Thanks.

    It's called The Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases. I'm really looking forward to visiting that part of the country! I'm so glad you'll be around.

  4. When I was in England I saw an episode of his show there and trying to revolutionize a British school's cafeteria food. It was sickening how much food went into the garbage because the children didn't want to eat his food, but after a week they were eating more of it. I think what the parents eat and TV commercials are a big part of the problem - I think education is key and getting the parents in better eating habits.
