Sunday, March 7, 2010

Science Now Saves You

I didn't get rid of the junk-hunting bug after yesterday, and wanted to continue to get nothing of note done through the entire weekend.  So, today I went west. While yesterday was about exploring new territory, today was about reacquainting myself with old friends (that is - as much as a store I've been to 3 or so times can be an "old friend").

I did see a butter churn!  I'm not upset because it was $75, which is 30% (edit: I think it should properly be 50%.  I paid $50) more than the one I got on EBay.  And the one I got is in better shape than this one.

I saw a few butter-working implements, like this one.  They must have made a TON of butter!
I also saw this "Farm Thing" for $48 but was able to pass it up.  I already have a few farm things...

I saw lots of neat stuff, but what I came home with is this freakishly large canning pot for $15.  The label says it holds 7 half-gallon or 9 quart jars.  The label also says, "Science now saves you 39% fuel, 30% time over all other cold pack canners" and we all know that I'm all about saving time (!!).  (Canning: something I don't even know how to do ... yet)
It's been a really nice weekend.  I saw this yellow thing in the sky that made everything warm, started to melt the snow and made my pale, weak eyes hurt.  I had to dig for sunglasses in the car and I had memories of warmth.  It's hard to deny that sunshine makes everything good - and a weekend of pseudo relaxing doesn't hurt either.


  1. Ooooh, how I love antiquing! I'm still regretting not buying that bee smoker I saw for $12... It looks like you had a good time and got some great finds!

  2. Fun, fun, fun! Sounds like a great, re-energizing weekend to me. Plus, you just might have gotten a wee bit of Sunshine Vitamin D in the process.
