Thursday, March 4, 2010

Not Good Enough

Well, that's not exactly what he said, but it's how it feels.  Apparently two engineering degrees is not enough math to teach math and a chemical engineering degree is not enough chemistry to teach chemistry.  I got a list of the classes I would have to take to "remediate" on each subject matter *on top* of having to get a complete degree in education.  Interestingly, one of the courses I would apparently have to take is English.  Oh, and biology.  To teach math or chemistry.

To be fair, this person is selling a product - his college.  It's a sale he did not close.  I spoke with the superintendent of schools in my town in November and she was much more encouraging than this.  I have a few more things to check out, but if they come across like this one - teaching is something I'll put on the way back burner.  I've got enough going on that I'm not qualified for, these days.  I think I'm going to wrap myself up in a blanket and pout a bit.  ... Back soon ...

It's hard to stay down with an orange cat sitting on my chest licking my nose.  I think animals know when we're low.  Sometimes a nose lick or two is just the thing!


  1. Definitely check out your other options, including online stuff. There should be something available that does not require you to get an entire undergraduate degree in education. Remedial coursework in your subject areas - what a crock!

    I do my comm. college class at our local branch of Regis University, which has an accelerated licensure program for people who have BS degrees already. Maybe there's something like that not too far away. Don't lose hope!

  2. I had a 2 yr degree and started back for a teaching degree and then the classes didn't match up with the time I had available and it just didn't seem worth it and around here it seems there are alot of teacher without work. Teachers who never got jobs and I wondered how I would pay back all the loans it would take to get the chance to get a job. You just never know, and I'm chicken to step out.

  3. I really think that the academic world is about 50 years behind the times. They have a fixed list of classes, policies, procedures, requirements, etc - that just make it harder for people, but don't necessarily accomplish what they were meant to accomplish. When I look at the time and $$, it makes no sense to go down that path. It doesn't pay. I keep reading and reading about how they need math and science teachers, but then they seem to try their hardest to make it difficult? Makes no sense.

  4. Jordan,

    Ask the NYS Education Department what you need to do. I bet they have better ways to go. You also can probably arrange your own course of study. There are a lot of rules on the books, in OLD New York. And if what you hear does not sound right, read the Education Law.

    For example, you can become a lawyer in NY by being an apprentice to lawyers for about 7 years. No law school and $100,000 paid. Most people don't know that.

    I'm pretty confident the Education Dept. can tell you more about requirements for teaching.


  5. After posting my comment, I looked up what my local school district pays for a person with no teaching experience and an earned doctorate: $39K. Ouch.

    At least at a community college, I'd make low 50's. Maybe check them out, as you only need a masters, and they always seem to be hiring adjuncts.

  6. Good idea to check out the local community college. I've glanced at it, but not seriously - partly because I thought it wasn't enough money. I may be wrong. Do you make OK money for teaching your class, Linda?

    One option for me is to try to go part-time at my current job. It's highly subjective and with my current job performance I don't expect they would allow it. But I haven't officially asked either. I could work really hard for the rest of the year and then try to go part time! Yuk!

  7. Not great money, no, but it may be different in NY. I make about $3800 for the semester for one class. That's 4 hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab per week in a 5 credit class. The first semester, if I calculated out how much I earned per hour, I think it would have been about $1.50. There was a lot of prep the first time around, and it's been nice to reap the benefits here the second time.

    But, I love it. I really enjoy teaching.

  8. Oh, Jordan. I'm sorry. Even if you find something that might work out later the sting of "you're not worthy" tonight is painful!
    I'm sorry......
    But orange cats are lovely when it comes to worthiness.
    We love you! Keep up your dreams. Maybe something will come in the line of teaching that will be a complete surprise.....
